You’re Worth The Trouble

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Yesterday was my birthday.  I don’t know when birthdays became something I feared rather than embraced or celebrated.  It might have been around the time I realized that not everyone viewed your existence as a blessing.  Or maybe it was when I started to question the same.

For years, I struggled with accepting myself because I measured my successes by the standards that society and my surroundings had dictated.  Each birthday I felt further and further away from the goals that other people had set for me.  It was as if everything I had worked so hard over the course of my life was deemed unacceptable: my career, my living situation, my relationships with family, my dating life.  So naturally, I just felt unacceptable.

In a world where people are more focused on their own sustenance and prosperity rather than that of the whole, its not hard to become easy prey for opportunists when you lack confidence.  So I fell into company who constantly reminded me that I was spoiled, damaged goods who didn’t deserve more than what I was capable of offering myself.  Through words and actions, I was told that I wasn’t as qualified as the next woman to be loved or respected.  I was too much work and wasn’t worth the trouble.

Too much of my life was spent chasing after the love of someone else

It should never have taken me 30 years to challenge this.  Too much of my life was spent chasing after the love of someone else; seeking acceptance from both friendships and relationships.  But now that I’ve learned how worthy I am of love, I have the rest of my life to chase after loving myself and to reassure others that they are worth loving too.  I’m finally prepared for whoever God wants me to cross paths with and I’m ready to give more love than I have ever been offered.

Many of my experiences are not unique to just me, however .  I’m not the only one who’s confidence was damaged by hurtful experiences, toxic relationships and negative reinforcement.  So to those who’s journey resembles my own, allow me to assure you that you are worth more than they know.

you are worth more than they know

If you have to spend the rest of your life figuring out how so, then you do that.  But don’t waste another breath trying to prove anyone wrong about you or your worth.  Don’t waste another breath trying to earn the love and respect of people who aren’t insightful enough to realize that you’re worth ALL the trouble.

Furthermore, don’t fear your birthday or getting older because of lack of accomplishments or stunted success.  You are exactly where you are supposed to be in life. When its time for you to be somewhere else, then you’ll be somewhere else.  Don’t concern yourself with what you’ve missed out on or what you haven’t done or achieved.  Just embrace and celebrate where you are right now at this very moment.  Because you are fabulous and beautiful in THIS moment.  Your flaws are absolutely radiating with uniqueness.

You are being prepared for greatness (which by no means is equivalent to perfection). Contrary to popular belief, greatness doesn’t have a measurement scale.  Bottom line, the only one who needs to view your existence as a blessing is you. Anyone else is extra.  Your opinion is the only one that matters.

heart Nosy Josie


About nosy josie (88 Articles)
Josie is an aspiring writer living in Chicago Illinois, inspiring self-love through her own tragicomic life journey. Follow Josie as she details her collection of dating fails, life lessons and heart-to-heart confessions with her nosy readers.

27 Comments on You’re Worth The Trouble

  1. Let the church say amen. AMEN. Lol To preach is to teach. Preach it, girl. Well said. Well said. In my RuPaul voice, “If you don’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?” ;)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post & you have an excellent site!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Love this post sooo much! And so sorry that I’m a little late but Happy Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day. :)

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Beautifully written! A very happy belated birthday to you. I hope the year ahead of u is filled with peace and success by your own standards. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I <3 this so much sis and feel you on this too! Happy Happy Belated Birthday Queen!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Happy super belated birthday, I missed my party invitation! I even had my best suit pressed and dry-cleaned for the occasion!


  7. I know I’m about a month late but first Happy Belated birthday! lol second I love this! The beginning of this year I was experiencing all this trying to prove to people my worth or that I am just so happy, but when I looked inside myself and realized the only person I need to prove to is myself and that my process is only my process things started to look better for me and I’ve been happy ever since! I’m excited for your journey and I know you are fully ready for what’s next for you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aw thank you love! That means so much to me :). I know you and I have been experiencing a similar journey so I love that you can relate to these words. Its amazing how much time we spent trying to do things the wrong way, when the right way was the simplest way all along. Thank you for your birthday wishes and confidence in me. I can’t wait to see OUR progress and growth Queen!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. phiemyndz // June 8, 2016 at 5:40 pm // Reply

    Happy Belated birthday hun. So sorry been MIA. Love you and have a great year #blessings

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Happy belated birthday beauty!!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. tunisiajolyn84 // February 1, 2017 at 7:06 am // Reply

    Damn I needed this on my bday! Such a wonderful read for this Wednesday. So many good vibes! Thanks for sharing this gem! 😊


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