11:33 pm ][ was it real.

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You know the phrase…”if a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around, does it still make a sound?”  I’m wondering… does that apply to love?  If you fall in love with someone and they weren’t there with you was it really love?

I saw my friend yesterday.  He tried to convince me that nothing has changed between us. That although there’s been distance, his feelings are just as he left them.  Something tells me that isn’t the case.  And his feeble attempt at convincing me otherwise brought me no resolve.  If anything, it left me wondering if what we had was real to begin with or just a figment of my imagination.

I don’t know what to believe anymore.   Nor do I understand why it matters so much to me…especially considering how our friendship is off limits either way. And with Karma finally loosening her grip, the last thing I want is for her to question whether this was a lesson learned.

But after seeing my friend, the question seemed to haunt me…why was it so important for me to know that we weren’t an illusion?  I fell asleep at 11:33 pm, searching for an answer.  It wasn’t until I woke that everything made sense.  I want to believe that I’m capable of falling in love again.  And I want to believe that someone is capable of falling in love with me.  I want to believe that not every man who whispers “i love you” through soft kisses and pelvic thrusts will walk down the aisle 3 months later with someone else.  I want to believe that feelings can be mutual…that I’m capable of distinguishing between a reality and a delusion.

Because of “him,” I doubt.  I’ve grown so accustomed to questioning any man who claims to care for me, that I’ve failed to prepare myself for when one actually does.  And not because I question my worth – but rather if a man is truly capable of seeing it.  Our friendship has helped me see that I have another self-love journey to embark upon…unlearning emotionally unavailability.  I want to know with confidence…

“If you fall in love with someone and they weren’t there with you, was it really love?”

Nosy Josie heart JE6

PS: Jessi’s replacements (it takes 2 to make 1 Jessi)


About nosy josie (88 Articles)
Josie is an aspiring writer living in Chicago Illinois, inspiring self-love through her own tragicomic life journey. Follow Josie as she details her collection of dating fails, life lessons and heart-to-heart confessions with her nosy readers.

47 Comments on 11:33 pm ][ was it real.

  1. What a great post! I so enjoyed this read!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This was really beautiful, and it definitely resonated with me. I understand completely what you mean. I was even talking to my friend the other day how I am trying to fight being a pessimist when it comes to the topic of love. And I have been in the situation of unrequited love so many times and asked that same question time and time again. All I can say is, I’m here with you walking the journey and fighting to keep the hope alive.❤

    Liked by 3 people

    • I LOVE that you are here on this journey with me. I was just telling Katrina Gurl (in the comments) that having you guys here for the journey makes me feel a lot less alone. I think with both of our journeys, we are in for a wonderful surprise. We just have to continue fighting and inviting more positive images in our hearts that accept love rather than reject it. I truly believe that you are way too amazing to be kept to yourself. Much love for you sis <3

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Loved this! It’s so sad that one person can come along and completely ruin our ideas about love. It’s so hard to get the optimism back and believe it when someone else says they care for us. I hope you can find that again.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I know, right?! And when you DO get the optimism back, you’re so worried about giving your mended heart to the wrong one for fear of losing it again. But that’s no way to live. At least I have you guys while I go on the search for optimism. lol Thanks friend <3

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  4. in reply to the posted question (If you fall in love with someone and they weren’t there with you was it really love?).. Yes, I believe it was. But of course it depends on how you define love. Is unrequited love love? Does someone have to love you back in the same way and at the same level that you love them in order for it to “count”? I don’t consider reciprocation to be a prerequisite for love. If I love, it’s something that *I* do and not dependent on someone else.

    Liked by 4 people

    • I love that explanation. Defining love for yourself is definitely the only way to answer that question. So I guess – depending on the person – we could have many different explanations for any single answer given. How interesting…I would love to know how others view love and if they see unrequited love as love. You always evoke thought lol. Thank you! <3

      Liked by 1 person

  5. This was heavy! Great post. Your suspicions about love are understandable. My advice: Don’t give him so much power. I know, easier said that done. Have you considered counseling? Big hugs to you, my friend. <3

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you! My friend actually tried counseling and it was great for her. To just sit back and vent would be amazzzziing. Have you ever tried it?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, I did a few months of counseling after my first child was about 3. I had undiagnosed PTSD and some lingering undiagnosed PPD. The counseling helped a lot!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Yay! I gave it a LOT of thought back when I was depressed. I was fortunate to heal from that without having to see anyone. I’m hoping I can work through the emotional unavailability the same. But honestly, with 2 women telling me how much counselling helped them – I may give it more thought. It definitely couldn’t hurt!

          Liked by 1 person

  6. Love the new replacement. The question in my mind, does your friend read your blog? 😅

    Yes though, my two cents of an opinion, love though seemingly unrequited is love even if only one person feels it.

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    • Lol I literally just laughed out loud. He isn’t a regular reader. By the time he made time to read it, these posts would be buried. 😏 I’m slick haha. And I appreciate your answer- you and Teddi (comments above) share the same outlook

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I read an awesome quote, something like “the only way to learn to trust someone…is to trust them.” I know it can be SO hard to share your broken pieces with someone, but the right one will accept them with open arms! And I really don’t think we are not afraid of loving but afraid of not being loved in return. I think that is natural. But along with that, being honest with ourselves, sharing our needs and accepting nothing but honesty and transparency from a [potential] partner is essential-knowing yourself and your needs and sharing them like you did here!

    I am right there with you; in my case, I am relearning how very important communication is. I have been so guarded because hey, if they don’t know me they can’t hurt me, right?

    All we need is that ONE man to change our mind and heart. Unfortunately we may have to wade through a swamp full of frogs before we reach him, but he is out there; I am certain.

    Liked by 2 people

    • You should take everything you said here and just put it in a post. So serious. You’re so right – it is the fear of not being loved in return that causes apprehension. Or the fear of opening up to someone that will attempt to hurt you in the end. Our experiences and emotions are so fragile. If it were up to me, we should all come with “handle with care” sticker.

      I would love to be able to share my needs with my potential partner the way that I share them here. It would definitely requite me to take it slow – the way that I did with my blog family. I learned that I could trust you with little snacksize pieces of myself. I learned that you all live in a judgement free zone. You may school me, throw some life lessons in there, share your thoughts…but never trying to hurt me. And you give equally of yourselves. So maybe in a potential partner, those should be traits that I keep my eyes open for too. Ultimately, that quote is real – you have to trust someone in order to trust someone. <3 your reply, thank you Queen!

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Eboni Katrice // September 1, 2016 at 8:35 pm // Reply

    I experienced betrayal after betrayal every time I loved. Each time, I looked back and wondered “was that really love”
    Somehow, I remained open to love. I think I always knew that although I’d made poor choices in men, those men weren’t all men. So, each time I vowed to choose more wisely the next time.
    Make yourself available to love.
    I am so glad I did.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It sounds like you took a progressive approach to your love life, even when it got hard. You remained positive. Knowing how hard it is to do that, my hat goes off to you. You said that you’re glad you did – was it because you finally found love? Or are there other reasons? :)

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      • Eboni Katrice // September 2, 2016 at 8:55 am // Reply

        I definitely found an amazing guy. It IS possible. And when it finally happens you think, “now THIS is how it was supposed to feel”

        Liked by 1 person

        • Ahhhh! :D that makes me so happy. I love when people find their perfect fit. And it definitely encourages me to stay positive. Have you started writing again?

          Liked by 1 person

        • Eboni Katrice // September 2, 2016 at 10:47 am //

          It feels like a perfect fit and was completely unexpected. I never would have even considered him as a partner.
          Timing felt wrong too. He was fresh out of a marriage. I was fresh out of a 4 yr relationship.
          But we both knew instantly that this was IT.

          I have! Herflawsandall.wordpress.com

          Liked by 1 person

        • I love stories of unexpected love! So glad that you were able to find your someone. I just followed your blog – I’m about to catch up on your posts to bring myself up to speed! :D

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        • Eboni Katrice // September 2, 2016 at 12:25 pm //

          Thanks! It is brand spankin’ new! I love reading yours! Hope you enjoy it.


  9. As much as you have a “him” I have my own “her” lol “hers” rather…now, i’m not the perfect person, not by a long shot but getting cheated on twice, wait, thrice lol (in a row) kinda took me aback…I felt so destroyed by all of it because each time I never understood why…but I finally found out…all of them had similar characteristics…they were all girls I saw from a mile away as being “bad” but I got cocky enough to think I could change them…its a true example of what it means to go overboard with loving yourself…

    Its been 2 years since that realization but I find it hard each time to trust anyone…the rest of the story would clog the comment section so let me skip ahead haha! I understand where you’re at…more than you could ever imagine, but I feel we need to exorcise these people from our thoughts otherwise we’ll be stuck…its a hard road but through sharing experiences like this I believe we’ll get there… (lol i’m not gonna proof-read the comment….I just went all Rambo here!)


    • You definitely didn’t need to proofread anything at all lol. Wow. It’s crazy to hear that you went through three experiences like that back to back. I can’t even imagine how I would have coped with or gotten over such heartbreaks.

      The fact that you had it in you to identify the problem is AMAZING and I am glad you did! I feel like our biggest mistakes in dating always involve us trying to “fix” someone. I definitely understand how you could have trust issues from that. Geez :( . You deserve better! And you’re right…exercising them out of our thoughts is the best thing to do. For me…I don’t know how to change my thinking because I’m not thinking negative thoughts. It’s like…I don’t see love as an option. I don’t know if that makes sense. I’m not opposed to it…I just don’t see it.


      • I think I get what you mean…is it like you’ve disassociated yourself from the existence of love? like its not all that necessary for your well-being? (not in the bad way) ….I have to ask, what do you feel when you talk about love, is there a particular reaction? or is there absolutely nothing….

        Just wrote a post abut how i’m always in pain lol funny how it helps me write my best pieces but…well, it leaves me miserable…


        • Omggggg yes! You hit the nail right on the head. About both how I view love and how it impacts a writers work lol. I don’t think you’re alone in that at all.

          When I talk about love, I feel inquisitive. It’s a topic I love to discuss but only because it intrigues me so much and was a huge part of my life. A very small part of me longs for it. The other part of me feels like it’s existence is so rare that dwelling on it just bores me.

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        • Its a pain isn’t it lol? i sometimes feel like the only love i’ll ever experience is through the characters I write haha…but let me not be so cynical when it comes to humanity, because meeting you really improved my outlook on a lot of things…the kindness in peoples’ hearts for starters…you’re a light Jo, very good trait…its reached a point where i spend more time here than well…where I am haha :D …but if anything, I believe you deserve the best love has to offer…I genuinely mean that

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        • You made my day with this lol :D thank you – really. I’m a much better person when I’m here. Because my flaws are *thumbs down and shiver* lol. Sometimes I prefer to be blogging than facing the world for that very reason. But when people speak as much positive into your life as you speak into mine, its hard to be anything but kind and loving. <3

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        • You’re welcome :) i’ll be out till further notice…thought you should know :P take care, and see you on the flip side! :D

          Liked by 2 people

        • Out? Like away from blogging?

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        • Indefinitely?

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        • Yeah, i’m not so sure when i’ll be free again…but i’ll definitely miss you :)

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        • I’m going to miss you too…I promise :(. I’m so sad and confused lol. Are you going to be taking a break from your blog here altogether? So we won’t see or hear from you until further notice?

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        • You’ll hear from me when I get the chance to visit an internet cafe but other than that its best to assume I won’t be available…moving sucks.


  10. Well, our parents love us before we even know them
    God loves us even during the times we didn’t love Him
    . But yes unrequited lovery is still love. Is ignorance bliss or not bliss..depends on who is telling the story I suppose.
    True love loves back cares back…so I guess in a way I’m torn. But you can love someone because of them leading you on…you can put in work sweat and all just to find out you were doing it wrong all along. Good question


  11. O.K. whose ass am I going to have to go kick!

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