10 Women and Their 30 Dating Tips for Single Men

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With Valentine’s Day behind us, are you still in the mood for love?!  Last month we heard from 6 men and their 30 dating tips for single women.  We LOVED IT but many women wanted the men to hear their voices and perspective too.  Consider it done!

These 10 women have teamed up to offer our men a collection of dating tips, sure to turn their dating lives upside down.  Remember, every woman is their own woman with their own likes and dislikes.  If you find yourself trying to implement each of these tips in every situation, you may find yourself disappointed.  You’ll just have to bite the bullet and get to know your lady, fellas :).  However, just like the men, there was one tip that JUST kept coming up – #6.  Enjoy!


ABlackRose of  A Black Rose Thrived, Author Cherie of All In The Name Of Love, Lauren Rorschach of Back In Stilettos AgainJamie Lea of Just Jamie, Kelsey of How To Survive Modern DatingLiz of Am I Thirty YetNailah Shami of Better For ThatMaranda R., Jackie E. and Sensational Whitney


Dating Tips for Single Men

1.  PICK UP THE PHONE!  Calling and asking a woman out on a date never went out of style.  But…

2.  Try not to be too aggressive with texting and calling.  There is a difference in showing interest and being overwhelming.

3.  At some point though, you should CONVERSE WITH US before the actual date.  Not only will we be more comfortable when hanging out with you, but I bet you’ll find it a lot easier to come up with a creative date idea once you know what your girl likes!

4.  We love a man who can BE CREATIVE with date-planning!  Every interaction tells a woman what her future could look like with you and how willing you are to make an effort. You can do Netflix and takeout at your place further into a relationship, but for the first few months try to think of inventive ways to spend time together such as salsa lessons, film festivals or trying a trending new restaurant.

5.  If you can’t figure out anything creative, bouncing around ideas or asking for input is cool too.  At least HAVE AN IDEA of what you would like to do on your date.  In a perfect world, a girl would love to hear “wear a nice dress and some heels” or “wear gym gear and tennis shoes”…”I’ll pick you up at 8” or “meet me here at 7.”

6.  Ultimately we just want you to PLAN A REAL DATE guys. This is especially important in the beginning stages. Planning an actual date with somewhere to go is so much better than saying, “Let’s hang out. What do you want to do?”  Nothing is more annoying on a first date then having to spend a half hour discussing where to go and what to do.  We want to feel like you put some thought into it.  If you aren’t trying to make sure we have a great first night, then I doubt you will try to make sure we have a great relationship.

7.  And although you may have an awesome pad, “kicking it” at your house or WATCHING MOVIES ON THE COUCH is NOT – I repeat – is NOT considered a date.  We are not 16 years old.  Oh, and a “lets kick it tonight” text is not remotely considered romantic or intriguing either.

8.  Now, YOU DON’T HAVE TO SPEND A LOT OF MONEY on us either for it to be a fun date.  Ice cream, a coffee shop, a walk in the park, a trip to Ikea to window shop…all are GREAT ideas without you having to break the bank!  And places like these encourage great face to face conversation.  Seeing that we are just meeting each other, there should be a lot of that going on.  Try going to a place with NO WIFI…see how interesting this can get :)


9.  Whatever you end up choosing, CONFIRM YOUR PLANS the day before!  No one likes to be stood up or be unsure about whether the date is still on.

10.  You can even REACH OUT THE DAY OF with a nice text saying “I can’t wait to see you tonight” or “looking forward to our date.”

11.  Both #10 and PUNCTUALITY makes a great first impression.  Be on time (or early).  We all know things happen; just be courteous enough to let your date know ahead of time if so.  No one wants to sit alone somewhere wondering if or when you will show up.

12.  When you show up, arrive clean and nicely dressed.  Let us see that you actually PUT SOME THOUGHT INTO YOUR APPEARANCE.  Don’t arrive in sweaty workout clothes as if you’ve just come from playing racquetball!

13.  Speaking of smells…PUT ON some cologne :). Trust me, nothing turns a girl on more than a guy that smells really good.

14. Except, of course when you GREET US by our name rather than a term of endearment.

15. It doesn’t hurt to COMPLIMENT US either.  Do you know how long it takes us to figure out what we’re wearing?  How we should fix our hair?  Which color lipstick to wear?  Or which fragrance you would enjoy? A LONG time! Hearing a simple “you look great” would make your girl feel as if it was all worth it.

16.  Because contrary to popular belief, CHIVALRY IS NOT DEAD. A woman loves nothing more than to be treated like a lady. Walk her to her car….open her car door…help her remove her jacket (or share yours if she’s cold).  Walk her to the door after the date…stand when she walks into the room…compliment her.  At dinner, let her order first.  We love flowers! Especially when sent to the  job for all of our co-workers to see. Call when you say you’re going to call.  Most importantly…when you are together, she gets the attention…not your phone.  

17.  In fact, just PUT THAT DANG CELL PHONE DOWN.  If you aren’t a doctor waiting for a call about an emergency heart transplant then you don’t have any reason to be on your phone throughout a date.  Do not Facebook check-in.  Do not IG what we are eating or drinking.  Do not Snapchat our conversation.  Do not check your phone – period!  Think of it like this… she could be anywhere in the world but she’s choosing to spend her time with YOU.  Let’s enjoy each other while we share the same space.

18.  Don’t worry, you are never going to offend a woman by BEING A GENTLEMAN.  If I’m trying to get to know the real you, I am going to be watching the way you treat everyone from the Valet to the bartender.  A person that is rude to the waiter, is not a nice person.  If I see that you treat people badly, I’m going to assume you will do the same to me later and move on.  And if you are constantly checking your phone, I’m going to take it that you aren’t interested and spend my time with someone who is.

19.  So really try listening to your date and PAY ATTENTION to what she has to say.  If she’s sharing her thoughts and feelings with you then it means she cares. If you find what she has to say annoying, then you probably shouldn’t be dating.

20.  And during conversation, please DO NOT GO INTO DETAIL about your past girlfriends or sex partners.  That’s not her business…yet :).

21.  I know, I know.  Most women say they can tell within the first 30 seconds of meeting a man if she will have sex with him or not.  Unfortunately, it’s none of your business if and when we will share our body with you. So again, please DON’T BRING UP SEX yet.

22.  Just RELAX and let nature take its course.

23. And you really shouldn’t assume that taking us out is always going to lead to us having sex.  Instead of making sex your main goal, FOCUS ON US getting to know each other better.  Genuine, intuitive efforts will entice and excite us even more!  Trust me – undivided attention is the best form of foreplay.

24.  I know, I know…attention is the norm for women. We get that everyday!  So yes, you do have to BRING YOUR A-GAME and BE DIFFERENT. We like excitement, confidence and a little challenge.  You don’t have to be a ” Bad Boy” but one thing’s for sure…You’ll never find a “Bad Boy” in the “Friend Zone” :)

25.  Speaking of bad boys’s…IF YOU ARE NOT SINGLE, please don’t date! No woman wants to discover after few dates that her potential boyfriend is somebody else’s man. Singer Bob Marley once said that “The biggest coward is a man who awakens a woman’s love with no intentions of loving her.” Cheating rarely ends well, and it’s messy and unfair to put an innocent person in these compromising situations.

26.  So GIVE HER REASONS to like you, not despise you.  A man who thinks his best features are that he’s fine and he has a big wallet (even if it’s true) is the worst.  In a way that doesn’t feel like a performance, talk about your hobbies and interests, friends and family, memorable vacations, hopes and dreams, or maybe what you would do if you won the Powerball.

 27. Just LEAVE YOUR WOUNDS and relationship baggage at home. Everybody over twenty has been disappointed or burned by love, but is it really a date if half of it is spent badmouthing exes? They are exes for a reason and your date wants to know about you. Save your dark past-relationship moments for therapy (even if asked).  To be ready to move forward and attract your happily-ever-after, you have to suspend all the drama of bad dates and failed relationships and just be in the moment with current company.  You never know who is waiting to fall in love with your optimism.

28.  Speaking of optimism, FORGET THE 3-DAY RULE!  If you’re interested in seeing us again… call, text (or email lol) us ASAP after the date to let us know you had a good time!

29.  COMMUNICATION is key! Again, if you can’t make it (wherever), tell her. If you want to spend more time with her, tell her. If you wish she would (fill in the blank here), tell her. As much as we’d like to think we are, we AREN’T mind readers either.

30.  Lastly, BE UPFRONT about your expectations. There are plenty of women out there that will be okay with your level of commitment, so don’t lie about it. If you only want a hookup, that’s fine. If you’re looking for someone to marry, that’s fine too.

LADIES, which of these tips do you live by?  Which do you not?

MEN, which of these tips did you find useful?  Were you surprised by any?  What has been your biggest struggle with dating?

heart Nosy Josie

Sources and Other Media:






About nosy josie (88 Articles)
Josie is an aspiring writer living in Chicago Illinois, inspiring self-love through her own tragicomic life journey. Follow Josie as she details her collection of dating fails, life lessons and heart-to-heart confessions with her nosy readers.

46 Comments on 10 Women and Their 30 Dating Tips for Single Men

  1. Reblogged this on Just Jamie and commented:
    Great tips for you fellas out there wondering what women want when it comes to dating!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post, Darlin’! Thank you for including me in this piece. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I enjoyed your post if you have some free time check out

    5 Reasons Why It’s Hard To Date In 2016


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Reblogged this on Better For That and commented:
    Okay, so we just gave the men an ENTIRE dating guidebook. Let’s see what happens next. LOL. Forward to every single man you know. Great job pulling this all together NJ!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Going to take issue with #17, as a divorced dad and going through a custody battle I needed my phone around in case something come up. I would keep it on vibrate but would need to check periodically to make sure my daughter wasn’t trying to contact me. The rest of the list though pretty good :).

    Liked by 3 people

  6. YES! I know you ladies aren’t mind readers, but you read my mind with these tips. Awesome! I hope the single guys take heed.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Kelley!! Thank you so much. I’m glad you feel we represented you well. Thes ladies were not holding anything back lol. Which of these do you live by?

      Liked by 1 person

      • ALL of them hehe! I really just need guy to be an actual gentleman and not expect extra points or a goodnight kiss or sex for being a decent human. And to be honest [about his intentions]. That seems to be very difficult for men.

        Now if I could just get a date…………………. ……………………..

        Liked by 2 people

        • Lmao you and me both! I haven’t had a real date in a while. But honestly, I usually meet a lot of men who are honest about their intentions – its just that I don’t like the intentions lol. And yes, men expect us to reward them for expected good behavior. I was listening to Usher song Confessions – the narration “I hope you can appreciate that I was man enough to tell you this.” Um…sir, I’m not going to appreciate that you were “man enough” to tell me that you cheated on me. grr rant

          Liked by 2 people

        • Yes! “Confessions” is a mess.. and I’ve had that line used on me in real life. But some women do reward men like this! Makes it a little harder for us that won’t.

          So glad I discovered your blog!

          Liked by 2 people

        • Me too! Welcome to the family :)

          Liked by 2 people

  7. You did an awesome job Josie! Great minds really do think alike:) I agree with every single Tip. The ladies did an awesome job as well. Looking forward to reading feedback from the guys!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Great article, Josie! And thanks for including me. :-)

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh, snap, son! :D lol I need to jot this new found info down…hehe awesome post Josie

    Liked by 2 people

  10. I nail pretty much all these…it’s kinda of weird. who the the heck taught me? Great post.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. tunisiajolyn84 // February 1, 2017 at 7:00 am // Reply

    Great tips! Funny enough, I’ve planned most of my dates either due to inexperience or because it was long distance. I didn’t mind though and I’m sure the guy was relieved. lol However, next time, I’m going to let him take the wheel and see what he does. I’ll put my event planning skills to the side. lol And yes, a little conversation before the date is always nice. It’s like a pre-screening. Now with appearance, I don’t take that long to get ready. It helps lessen my anxiety a bit if I look at it as any other day… I may add a little extra makeup though. 👀 lol


    • lmbo makeup isn’t my thing – only a smidgen. A little drop of concealer here and there, eyeliner and mascara. I wouldn’t change that too much if I were you :). Men claim to like a clean, pretty face anyway lol. The pre-screening (love your choice of words here by the way lol) really helps with knowing the vibe you can anticipate on your date. Gives you something to look forward to also! I went on a date recently and hated the conversation. I kept thinking “why didn’t I just talk to him on the phone first. I could have ended this before it started!” As for planning the date – hey, if its not broken, don’t fix it! Honestly, a LOT of men appreciate a woman planning/guiding in that area actually. You have to read the tips from the guys. They talk alllll about it – https://mindjobusiness.com/2016/01/25/6-men-and-their-30-dating-tips-for-single-women/

      Liked by 1 person

      • tunisiajolyn84 // February 14, 2017 at 5:18 pm // Reply

        Yes, I do agree with conversing prior to the date to get a feel of the person. Although, sometimes that can fool you as well but usually, it matches in person. And it’s bad to go on a date and hate the conversation. There were times when I was disinterested in parts of the convo and I was just tune out…. not to be mean but that’s how I react naturally to that. I actually have to work on that. lol And it’s good to know that planning for date is something men appreciate. I do remember the first time I did that, the guy was surprised and happy about it so it makes sense. I still want the next guy to plan it… give me a break. lol

        Liked by 1 person

        • Make sure you bring a shot of vodka in your purse if you allow him to plan it :/ lmao. Just kidding! I had one guy surprise me with a jazz bar outing and I absolutely loved it. IF I ever get another date, I’m planning on taking us to a Chicago board game bar. Those look so cool and I love board games. If he can’t hang in a game of Scrabble, I know he ain’t the one ;)

          Liked by 1 person

        • tunisiajolyn84 // February 21, 2017 at 6:23 pm //

          Oh that sounds like an awesome idea! There’s a place in my neck of the woods that has a bar and board games but I don’t think we officially call those “board game bars” in Philly. Maybe it’ll become a thing soon. I know when I went, I told my friend that this would be a great date spot. So great minds think alike. ;)

          Liked by 1 person

        • YES indeed! ;)
          Out of curiosity, do you have a favorite board game?

          Liked by 1 person

        • tunisiajolyn84 // February 27, 2017 at 7:59 pm //

          Well I guess a few of my faves would be Connect 4, Checkers, Uno and Jenga. What are your faves?

          Liked by 1 person

        • o0o let me show you the best Connect 4 game ever : https://www.instagram.com/p/BJguDS-jGeT/?taken-by=nosyjosie

          Checkers never gets old. I retired UNO when I fell in love with Phase 10 lololol. Jenga is the BEST when drunk omggggg and I love Rummikub. I like Taboo and Scattergories too but I don’t have a large enough social circle to satisfy that need haha!


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